Saturday, February 16, 2008

We're on the Road!

Guess what? I just received the first physical copy of my book, "One for the Road", and it looks so good that I've decided it's finished. Hooray! #8D)

In a few weeks it can be ordered from any major on-line bookshop, but already you can get it from me and from Lulu. Also, fairly soon you can download a digital copy of it for free, from the Web site that supplements the book. You're very welcome!

Now, when you have downloaded or bought the book and read it, please come back here and tell me and the world whether you liked it or not. And particularly if you do like it, I'd be much obliged if you would give it a review at Amazon and any other on-line bookshops that offer the possibility to do so.

I hope to add a possibility to give me comments on my own Web site, but until that happens, feel free to use commenting on this blog to tell me anything you want. Or you can just e-mail me.

Thank you!

1 comment:

Carlos Rosado said...

great work, and congratulations on the book. I am a photographer from Merida Yucatan (Mexico) and I am currently on the road in Belize. check out my site if you like... I may be in the Oslo area sometime next year (know a nice girl in moss), maybe ill pick up a book. Ha det.
- Carlos R.